both    advanced    40 min
Workouts for sports or wellness

Training for football - Day 1


Improve strength and power in the most required muscle groups in this sport. 2 sessions per week in the season, and could be 3 or 4 in the preseason. The 5RM is the maximum weight with which you can do 5 repetitions in a single serie. Do a 15-20 minutes of stretching at the end of this session. Week 1: 3 x 6 at 60% on the 5RM. Week 2: 4 x 6 at 60% on the 5RM. Week 3: 5 x 5 at 60% on the 5RM. Week
3 Sets   6 repeticiones
Siempre de manera explosiva
Glute Bridge
3 Sets   20 repeticiones
Push up
3 Sets   20 repeticiones
Si no se llega, a fallo
Renegade Row
4 Sets   10 repeticiones
Repeticiones por cada lado
Back extensions
4 Sets   20 repeticiones
4 Sets   20 repeticiones
Peso controlado (Poco peso)
Alternating dumbbell biceps curls
4 Sets   12 repeticiones
Superserie. Ejercicio 1
Triceps Pulldown
4 Sets   12 repeticiones
Superserie. Ejercicio 2
Bent over dumbbell rear delt raise
4 Sets   12 repeticiones
Superserie. Ejercicio 3

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